fforwm pypedau cymru - wales puppet forum

Pypedau yng Nghymru The Home of Welsh Puppets

wales puppet forum


random image from the puppet gallery

An organization of puppeteers, puppet makers and other puppet practitioners

  • promoting and supporting all aspects of puppetry in Wales
  • increasing education and awareness of puppetry and puppets in Wales
  • facilitating the professional development of puppetry practitioners based in Wales

pyped on the web

Look here to find puppet companies, puppetry practitioners and puppet news from Wales.

fforwm pypedau cymru


random image from the puppet gallery


Mudiad pypedwyr a gwneithurwyr pypedau sydd ynhybu a chefnogi pypedwaith yn ei holl agweddau yng Nghymru

  • gwella addysg pypedwaith ac ymwybyddiaeth ohono yng Nghymru
  • hyrwyddo datblygiad proffesiynnol yr ymarferwyr pypedwaith a leolir yng Nghymru